What is the value of electricity?

Can the value of electricity be quantified? If it could, what value would you give it?

Karl Marx a German philosopher and political economist once said, ‘Nothing can have value without being an object of utility’. I would further add that nothing can have value without being an object of utility, for the development of the individual. Electricity’s value I believe is found in its personal use or usefulness.

Electricity is a form of energy. The word “energy” comes from the Greek energeia, meaning operation or activity. Electricity, arguably the most useful form of energy, promotes the operation or the activity of the individual

Morris is a carpenter. So was his father before him. However unlike his father who had to depend on his hands and own brute strength to carry out his trade Morris uses his electricity to significantly reduce the amount of strength and time each carpentry process takes him especially when it comes to cutting and drilling.

For Morris electricity from Kenya Power is useful for his work.

Cecilia is in class eight. She is sitting her K.C.P.E at the end of the year. She attends study preps late in the evening and early in the morning. Last year there were no street lights leading to her school. Cecilia’s grandmother, her guardian, had therefore refused her to go for preps. Her grandmother believed that it was not safe for a young girl to walk in the dark no matter the reason. The darkness she often said was the territory of the devil and trouble was found in it.

For Cecilia electricity from Kenya Power is useful for her security and her education.

Mama Perris is a mother of five. With electricity her day have twenty four hours instead of twelve. Mama Perris bought a fridge and now she only cooks two meals each day and not three as she used to. She serves leftovers for the third meal.

For Mama Perris electricity from Kenya Power is useful to her time.

Paul’s father is the traditional African man. It has been difficult for Paul to foster a relationship with him. However, the television he bought Last Christmas, due to their homes connection to a safe and reliable supply of electricity, has helped. On most evenings the family watches news together. Paul’s father uninhibited news commentaries have enabled Paul to learn more about his opinions and thoughts on a host of subjects. His favourite show, mother in law, has brought to light his sense of humour.

For Paul electricity from Kenya Power is useful for his relationships.

Kenya Power is on a mission to electrify over 6.4 million homes to the grid in the next couple of years. The result being the irrefutable impact of a multitude of individuals work, security, time management, relationships and much more.

Can the value of electricity be quantified? If it could, what value would you give it?